本公司拥有18台各吨位注塑机、高速氮气机,IDE设备,以及独立的CNC中心,电子开发生产中心。可满足您一站式开模、注塑、生产、包装要求。 【产品展示】
广州市番禺奥博塑料厂第6年广州市番禺奥博塑料厂筹建于2003年,是一家专注于各种生活用品、工业用品等塑胶产品加工和模具设计、研发、生产及售后服务于一体的专业制造、加工工厂。并于2006年上升为一般纳税人. 本厂自建厂到如今,目前拥有2000多平方米的厂房,10多台注塑机器和一个独立的模具研发、设计、生产中心。员工近100名,其中拥有了一批具有专业技术、品质控制及丰富管理经验的精英10名,尤其擅长精密塑胶模具的设计、制作。同时建立了完善的售后服务体制,致力于为客户提供最优质的产品和可靠满意的售后服务。 本厂始终以“创造财富、回报社会、服务员工”为经营宗旨,以国内外市场为导向,以新产品和技术开发为支撑,严格控制质量,推动科学管理,扩张工厂规模,为把本厂建设成为一流高效的工厂而努力奋斗! 本厂始终以“品质第一、信誉第一、用户至上、优质服务”为经营理念,奉行“精益求精、持续改进、质量就是企业的生命”的品质方针,把制造“零缺陷”产品当成奥博人的社会责任和使命,因此,在极短的几年间奥博塑料厂在各方面都得到了长足的发展。 热忱欢迎各界朋友来电洽谈业务,奥博塑料厂将以最先进的技术,最优质的产品,最优惠的价格,最完善的服务来满足广大新老客户的要求。收起
Our factory was founded in 2003, it is collected one-stop business with plastic, electronics and packagings. We indendently deal in product development, production, and perfect after-sales service. We currently has more than 3,000 square meters area of factory, more than 10 injection molding machines, a separate mold R & D center, a professional electronic production manufacturing workplace, and supporting the quality department since we established. We have in dozens of senior managers who have 20 years of industry experience, and more than 150 highly qualified staff. Our products are based on strict quality controlling, and acknowledged the management mode of ISO9000,we are highly welcome you to our factory We will show you a high quality and excellent products of Chinese factories . If you need more detailed document informations about products, please contact us soon and we will communicate with you at the first time .
电话: 13433999731 联系人:杨生